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The Founders

Dave Harcum handed out thousands of buttons that said,

“Enjoy Life! This is Not a Dress Rehearsal!” to friends and

strangers across the United States and around the world.

It’s more than a slogan; it is the creed that helped guide

Dave and June Harcum’s activist, philanthropic lives.


The Ohio natives met at Wilmington College when Dave

was a senior and June a freshman. They married after June

earned a teaching certificate and Dave a business degree.

After trying several different vocations, Dave eventually decided on education as well.

In 1966, Dave became superintendent of the Greenhills-Forest Park

City School District in suburban Cincinnati. 


Also in 1966, they bought a cottage at Hide-Away Hills. The family spent weekends there for years. In 1984, after Dave and June retired from their school careers, they made it their permanent home as Dave embarked on his school insurance career. They became active in nearby Lancaster, joining the First Methodist Church, supporting the Lancaster Festival and becoming active volunteers. And based on their years of interest in abuse prevention, they established the Abuse Prevention Fund at the Fairfield County Foundation. They helped found the Child Advocacy Center for Fairfield County and served many years as board members. In 2012, due to their activism and financial support of the center, it was renamed Harcum House.


Dave passed away in 2018, but the family is still involved and supportive of this important institution in Fairfield County.

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